"CEE startup call"

The eleventh startup call led by Veolia Germany is the first cross-country startup initiative organised in the Veolia Group. The Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) zone looks for startups in the following field: Energy Services for Territories. The objective is to start three to five startup projects in order to support the business development strategy of all CEE countries: Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, etc.
More information on U-START can be found on our website about innovation by Veolia.
Feel free to check this page regularly for new calls!
Key Topics for this Edition:
- Energy flexibility in local grids including interseasonal energy storage.
- Challenge 2: Reduction of heat losses in heat production and distribution systems.
- Challenge 3: Disrupting approaches for biogas use (bioCH4, H2, CO2, black C …).
- Challenge 4: Disrupting approaches for local production of renewable energy.
Who is eligible?
We are looking for entrepreneurs, innovators and companies with a venture at an early stage of its development that can serve as the basis for a viable new business. Entrepreneurs should be full-time on their venture and have a TRL 6 -8. They should also be interested in the CEE market as the pilots should happen in these countries.
Five good reasons to join this call
#globalplayer: Team up with the world leader in resource efficiency and the biggest municipal service provider in the world
#projectfunding: Benefit from up to 50,000 € to deploy your solution
#collaboration: Develop your project in a co-creation mode with our experts
#scaleup: Deploy your solution on the CEE market with our commercial teams
#market: Accelerate access to global market through Veolia network
We are looking forward to hearing about your ideas!
Events & Dates
About 10 promising startups will present their innovative solutions in a digital event to be held on 22nd of November in front of a selected crowd of Veolia employees including technical experts, local site managers, business development and innovation employees. The objective of the event is to identify 3-5 concrete cooperation projects with the startups and our business units, using feedback from the participants. After a maturation phase, the best projects will be presented at a second event (final pitch event) in February 2023 in front of a panel of experts, including the participating country managers, who will take the decision to start the cooperation with the selected startups.
For more information about innovation by Veolia, click here. If you have any questions regarding
the U-START program in general, feel free to contact us per e-mail: [email protected].